two people using sign language at a table outside

American Sign Language Studies


Available as

Study a Widely Used Language

Throughout the program, 你将会在使用美国手语方面发展出更深层次的知识和技能, 将美国手语的语义和语言元素运用到你的语言使用中, appreciate the distinct culture of the Deaf community, and behave according to the social norms of Deaf culture. 课程 cover grammar, 对话, and narrative, including receptive and expressive skills, 以及聋人文化和历史的影响,以及通过政治活动对聋人社区的影响, 法律, in为mation access, educational philosophies, and communication systems.

Opening doors to more opportunities and connections, 该证书适用于所有澳门葡京网赌送彩金学生,是任何专业的优秀补充.

Degree Types

Program Details

Degree Types
Degree Level undergraduate
Available asCertificate
Requires a minor No
Authored on
Annie Fochs, ASL certificate grad
In-Demand Skills

你知道美国手语是我们国家第三大最广泛使用的语言吗? 你通过学习美国手语获得的技能在几乎任何职业中都是无价的,可以帮助你改善生活, both professionally and personally.

students at table event 为 ASLHS
Access to the American Sign Language Honor Society

While pursuing the ASL studies certificate, 你将有机会加入威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校美国手语荣誉协会(ASLHS). 这是一个加入其他学生和社区成员的好方法,因为你可以在满足当地社区需求的同时提高你的表达/接受美国手语技能.

Flex Content

Program Placement Screening 信息rmation

美国手语(ASL)分班筛选用于为有美国手语经验的学生确定合适的课程水平. 通过安置筛选面试获得的信息将用于帮助确定哪个级别最符合您的美国手语技能并支持您的学习. Please keep in mind, 即使你在另一个机构修了同等的课程, there are different course outcomes, number of credits and ASL curricula, 因此,在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校选择最适合你的课程时,分班筛选是必要的.

在分班考试中取得成功的学生是那些最近参加了正式的美国手语课程的学生, 在一个没有声音的环境中学习或从聋人家庭/社区成员那里学习语言,并且愿意在上下一门课程之前进行自我复习.

如果您对安置筛选感兴趣,请填写以下电子表格. An interviewer will then contact you to set up an interview. 整个过程大约需要20分钟,您可以亲自或通过视频界面完成. 你会被以对话的方式问一系列问题. 它将只在美国手语进行,不允许发声或说话.

You will be assessed on:

  • Fluency in use of ASL.
  • Comprehension abilities of conversation in ASL.
  • Proper use of ASL grammar.
  • Use of ASL vocabulary in discourse.
  • 清晰性(符号制作的清晰度,符号之间的流动和节奏).
  • Cultural norms in conversation.

Fill out the ASL placement screening e-为m here.

课程 in为mation

同时完成美国手语学习证书, 你的课程将使你接触到主要的语法特征, narratives, target vocabulary and cultural norms of ASL. 你的学习将集中在语言的几乎每一个方面——从特定的语法和力学到聋人社区的文化视角. Through this work, 您将在全球社会中获得对聋人文化和聋人历史观点的敏感性和理解, 在与他人交流时,哪一点对你未来的职业生涯有益.


CSD 101

American Sign Language I

In this course, students are introduced to American Sign Language (ASL), a visual-gestural language, and to Deaf culture. Students will learn frequently used phrasal signs, the basic rules of ASL grammar, introductory fingerspelling, and non-manual signals. Upon completion, 学生将展示美国手语的基本会话技巧,以及聋人文化行为和历史的入门知识.

CSD 210

Cultural Perspectives of the Deaf

本课程介绍美国聋人文化,并介绍聋人社区作为一个语言和文化上的少数群体. 本课程展示了聋人在一个更大的社会中的各种角色, including topics such as political activism, 法律, access to in为mation, educational philosophies, intersectionality, and communication systems. In addition, 它关注的是历史对美国聋人生活和其他人生活的影响. Course not conducted in ASL. No prior ASL experience required.

CSD 301

American Sign Language Semantics

本课程通过语义学的视角分析美国手语,主要关注非正式用语, colloquial sign. 课程内容将探讨如何在美国手语交流中创造意义, the process of ASL interpretation, and how to improve expressive abilities in ASL. All content and communication are conducted using ASL.

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Meet the Faculty

妮可 琼斯
Communication Sciences and Disorders Department
Senior 讲师
American Sign Language Honor Society Advisor
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